Winrunner to qtp
Winrunner to qtp

winrunner to qtp winrunner to qtp

Since this is a Quality Assurance (QA) project, it is recommended that the project leader comes from QA or understands QA and automation. At this point, let’s assume that the cost/benefit analysis is completed and the pay back period has been determined. Keeping this in mind, let’s discuss some of the criteria of putting together an automation project team. Since automation is like a development environment, it should be treated like one. I like to discuss the followings and will try to shed some light on the subject. A small change in the application should not require a great deal of maintenance. I was involved in a project where a good deal of time was spent debugging existing test scripts because minor changes were made to the Application Under Test (AUT). If omitted, the testing journey could be very rough and possibly cause the fatality of the project. I concur with the experts that a great deal of planning is necessary before jumping onto this "automation boat". James Hancock wrote: “When to Automate Testing - A Cost-Benefit Analysis” which is an excellent article on this subject.Īlong with the cost/benefit analysis, detail planning must be completed. But I will say that it is very important to do a cost/benefit analysis of the test cases that require automating. Since a great deal of important information is already available on cost/benefit analysis of automation, I will not attempt to engage in further discussion on this. In this paper, I would like to discuss automation from project management and architecture standpoint and hope this may help others to establish a process that fit their testing environment. Some of the articles are the collection of individual experiences (some are more painful than others) to make the automation work for them. Most are well researched and present a wide range of views about the benefits of using automation. Numerous white papers and articles are written on test automation. Automation Project Management and Automation Architecture

Winrunner to qtp